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Spiritual Dimension

Spiritual Dimension

For those entering the College Propaedeutic Year, one of the highest priorities is to offer the men a solid introduction to the spiritual life and healthy habits of public and private prayer. They are introduced to the idea of spiritual direction and engage with their own personal director. Meetings take place every 2-3 weeks. The media fast helps to foster the recognition of the significance of silence, and the practice of meditation, particularly on the Word of God. They are introduced to Lectio Divina and offered many opportunities to pray before the Blessed Sacrament. There are several retreats throughout the year, offering extended periods of intimate time with the Lord. They are introduced to the Church’s vision of the chaste-celibate vocation, within the context of a healthy understanding of human sexuality.

These various elements collectively aim to nurture a holistic, integrated development in both the human and spiritual dimensions of the seminarians’ lives, preparing them for the Discipleship Stage of seminary formation.

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