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Spiritual Dimension

Spiritual Dimension

The goal of the Spiritual Formation Program for Pre-Theologians is to help the seminarian live in intimate and unceasing union with God the Father through his Son, Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit.  As outlined in the Program for Priestly Formation, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary aims at helping the seminarian acquire a listening and learning heart as a disciple of Jesus Christ in communion with the Church.

Besides the daily celebration of the Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered to the seminarian prior to the weekday masses and upon request. It is encouraged that each seminarian meets with his individual spiritual director once every three weeks.

Two to three spiritual conferences are offered to each pre-theology class per semester.  Specific emphasis is placed on the assuring that the pre-theologian is introduced to various methods of meditation such as Lectio Divina and making the Examen.  Other topics will vary in range from but the gift of celibacy, establishing a disciplined prayer life and Marian devotion.  

Each pre-theologian will experience either a preached or guided retreat during the academic year. In addition, the annual celebration of 40 hours continues to be grace-filled for the seminary community in focusing on the presence of Christ present in the Eucharist and in the invitation to find rest in His Sacred Heart.

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