News & Events | Relocation Effort | Photo Archive | May 2023
May 2023

May 1, 2023 – Footings have been laid for the main building.

May 7, 2023 – The sewer system has begun to be installed on the backside of Alexandria Hall, concrete fillings were poured on the west side of the student life center, and dirt has been flattened where the new chapel will be built.

May 14, 2023 – Two sewer junctures have been installed around Alexandria Hall, concrete steps have been poured from mid building (offices) to upper building (refectory) area, outlines for the islands have been outlined with paint for the west parking lot, dirt has been piled at the southwest end of the property, and the western part of the berm has been partially leveled off.

May 21, 2023 – Fencing is being added to the east side of the property, more of the area surrounding the college building has been dug out, crushed stone has been laid to extend the fire road from behind Alexandria Hall to the parking lot, two additional sewer connections have been installed along Alexandria Hall, the footings area have been dug for the East end of the Chapel, and an electrical trench is being dug in the west section of the site.

May 22, 2023 – A group of seminarians, priests and staff were present to pray a Miraculous Medal Novena led by Father Keith Chylinski, Rector at the Lower Gwynedd campus. Before the seminarians left campus for the academic year, a request was put out to them asking them to contribute Miraculous Medals for the new campus. We collected more than 1000+ medals, including a generous gift from the Miraculous Medal Shrine in Germantown, PA which were blessed yesterday and then placed by all who attended into the foundation of the new Immaculate Conception Chapel. There are plans for more opportunities to place medals into the foundation of the buildings as the construction progresses.

May 30, 2023 – Hay has been laid on top of the dirt in from of Alexandria Hall to prevent erosions during rain and wind, bricks have been added to the Evans Road entrance, trees have been planted on both sides of the entrance drive, dirt has been flattened around the college form site, the sewer pipes and water lines around Alexandria Hall are continuing to be extended, and footings have been poured on the north and east sides of the library and Chapel, as well as on the north side of the upper section of the student life center.