News & Events | Relocation Effort | Photo Archive | June 2023
June 2023

June 4, 2023 – Additional dirt has been imported, the wall and columns are continuing to be worked on between the mid and western sections of the student life center, water and sewer access points are being added near Alexandria Hall, the parking lot section of the College Dormitory has been dug up and the dirt has been condensed, and the underground powerlines to the east parking lot have been cut.

June 11, 2023 – Digging has begun for the trenches on the western third of the student life center, the columns at the first elevation drop between the western and midsection of the student life center have been finished, wall molds are being placed on the northern end of the midsection, and wall molds are being placed around the elevator shaft located in the eastern section of the student life center.

June 17, 2023 – The west parking lot edges have been poured and the north foundation walls are continuing to be worked on.

June 24, 2023 – Pouring of foundation for the college dorm has begun, dirt has been backfilled on the western third of the student life center, and foundation is continuing to be poured on the foundation wall on the north side of the Student Life Center.