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Linked below are publications in the four areas of work studied by the Cardinal Foley Chair: 

Homiletics  /  Social Communications  /  Pastoral Theology  /  Salesian Spirituality

See also the series of publications in the area of “Salesian Homiletics.”


Dailey, Thomas.  “Preaching and Leadership: How priests can boldly fulfill the Lord’s mandate.” The Priest, vol. 80, n0. 8 (August 2024): 25-31.

Dailey, Thomas.  “Preaching Politics from the Pulpit.” Homiletic & Pastoral Review (1/28/21).

Dailey, Thomas. “Gazing upon the Eucharist: How to preach during worship of the Eucharist outside of Mass.” The Deacon vol. 2, no. 6 (May/June 2020): 32-34.

Dailey, Thomas. “Preaching the ‘Story of stories’.”  Homiletic & Pastoral Review (2/26/2020).

Dailey, Thomas. “Preaching as Praying: Complementary Methods for Sacred Eloquence.” New Theology Review, volume 31/1, October 2018, pp. 11-17.

Dailey, Thomas. “From Francis to Francis: How a Saint and a Pope Share a Vision of Preaching.” In Love Is the Perfection of the Mind (2017), pp. 19-34.

Dailey, Thomas. “The Soulful Homily.” Homiletic & Pastoral Review (May 2000), pp. 56-60.


Dailey, Thomas.  “Before and After the First Papal Tweet: How Benedict XVI Promoted Communio in a World of Social Communications.”  Homiletic & Pastoral Review (1/27/23).

Dailey, Thomas. “The Church at 30,000 Feet: Appreciating Pope Francis’s Interviews with Journalists.  Journal of Catholic Social Thought, volume 16/2 (July 2019), pp. 319-337.

Schiller, Matthew. “Communication and Mercy”  (presentation at 2016 Cardinal Foley Symposium). Excerpt of presentation in The Catholic Journalist, volume 68/6, August 2016, p. 2. 

Dailey, Thomas. “Meeting the Digital Challenge to Evangelization.”  Rambling Spirit, issue #3 (Spring 2015), pp. 4-5.

Dailey, Thomas. “Evangelization and Social Communications with Pope Francis.” ORIGINS, issue 43/35 (2/6/14), pp. 577-582.

Dailey, Thomas. “John Paul II’s Legacy of Social Communications.”  Indian Journal of Spirituality, volume 17/4 (2004), pp. 319-331.


Dailey, Thomas and Patrick Welsh. “Mass ad digitalem.  Homiletic & Pastoral Review (4/28/2020).

Dailey, Thomas. “Forming Disciples Today: Best Practices Among Roman Catholic Parishes in North America.” White paper produced for the Catholic Leadership Institute, June 2019.

Dailey, Thomas. “The Parish Experience of Young Adults”. White paper produced for the Catholic Leadership Institute, October 2018.

Dailey, Thomas. “Missionary Discipleship in the Thought of Pope Francis.” White paper produced for the Catholic Leadership Institute, August 2018.


Dailey, Thomas. “From Canticle to Treatise and Back: St. Francis de Sales on The Love of God.” Chapter 3 in Emmanuel Uppamthadathil, MSFS (ed.), Universal Call to Holiness: Collected Essays on the Spirituality of St. Francis de Sales (Bangalore, India: SFS Publications, 2023), pp. 25-43.

Dailey, Thomas.  ” ‘Gentle and Humble of Heart’ (Mt 11:29) – The Christological Image That Gives Rise to Salesian Spirituality.”  Chapter in LOVE: Be-All and End-All. A Compendium of Salesian Spirituality, ed. Antony Kolencherry, MSFS (Mumbai, India: St. Paul Publications, December 2022), pp. 237-246.

Dailey, Thomas.  “Cordiality as a Salesian Approach to Healing Relationships.”   Indian Journal of Spirituality, vol. 35, no. 1 (Jan-Mar 2022): 42-55.

Dailey, Thomas.  “Holiness as a Matter of Routine.”  Religious Life, vol. XLV (March/April 2021), pp. 3-5.

Dailey, Thomas. Behold This Heart: St. Francis de Sales and Devotion to the Sacred Heart. Sophia Institute Press (January 2021).

Dailey, Thomas. “The Sacred Visioning of Salesian Spirituality.”  Indian Journal of Spirituality, volume 30/2 (April-June 2017), pp. 117-126.

Dailey, Thomas. Live Today Well: St. Francis de Sales’s Simple Approach to Holiness. Sophia Institute Press (July 2015).

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