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The Cardinal Foley Chair offers occasional commentary for Catholic media on subjects of contemporary interest and concern.

Toward a Spiritual Intelligence at Pentecost
The prospect of substituting AI for human intelligence and social communication raises significant questions for the Church in service to humanity — questions that Fr. Justin cannot answer, but which Pope Francis does consider in his recent Message for World Communications Day.  … Read more at 

Far More Than a Yearly Ritual
The Last Supper is the most revolutionary meal in human history! In the Gospel story for Holy Thursday (John 13:1-15), the term “revolution” does not appear. But that’s exactly what Jesus brings about. In dramatic fashion, He turns upside down the way we are to relate to one another … Read more at DeSales Weekly 

Awakening Again to Confession
As a sacrament, and not merely an exercise of cultural recrimination, Confession is not about the past.  It focuses on the present experience of divine grace that renders the penitent worthier than before.  For St. Francis de Sales, ““we can do no greater wrong to the goodness of God and to the Passion and Death of our Lord than …” Read more at DeSales Weekly 

The “intelligence” of Communication Today Needs a Reasonable Heart
Generative AI represents a qualitatively new phase in the ongoing revolution of communications technology. Its seemingly endless potential has already found helpful application in many sectors of life.  But can AI fix everything? … Read more on The

Cultivating “Real” Intelligence
St. Francis de Sales was quite intelligent and a successful communicator! But in Salesian Spirituality, there’s more to intelligence than just smarts. For Francis de Sales, knowledge finds its ultimate purpose in love. The operations of the intellect that he describes – thought, study, meditation, and contemplation – are intended to … Read more at DeSales Weekly

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