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Priestly and Diaconal Formation

Priestly and Diaconal Formation

Begin the process of implementation of the newly promulgated 6th Edition of the Program for Priestly Formation and the revised National Directory for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States.

  • Consult with governing bodies of SCBS, as well as collaboration with partner dioceses/religious orders for whom it serves
  • Evaluate and implement a propaedeutic year program consistent with the vision of the PPF
  • Evaluate and implement a plan to assist seminarians in the Vocational Synthesis Stage as outlined in the PPF
  • Evaluate the Discipleship and Configuration stage in consult with the Joint Formation Committee and General Faculty to determine any potential changes to the curriculum and formation program.
  • Evaluate and begin to implement recommended changes to the SCBS School of Diaconal Formation program based on the new National Directory
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