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Communications & Homiletics Handbook

Communications & Homiletics Handbook

Topics in blue below are linked to PDF files with current information.

1. Introduction

2. Formation Programs
      2.1  Priestly Formation
              2.1.1  Intellectual Formation
                 College Seminary course descriptions
                                       * ENG 110 syllabus (Fall)         
                                       * ENG 111 syllabus (Spring)

                                       * COM 210 syllabus (Fall)        
                                       * COM 211 syllabus (Spring
                 Theological Seminary
                               Program description
                               Course descriptions
                                                        * PTH 501 syllabus (Fall)         
                                                        * PTH 502 syllabus (Spring)

                                                        * PTH 601 syllabus (Fall)         
                                                        * PTH 602 syllabus (
                                                        * PTH 701 syllabus (Fall)         
                                                        * PTH 702 syllabus (Spring)

                               M.Div. competency examinations (revised)
                Concursus Awards
                “Festival of the Word” (in planning)
              2.1.2  Human / Spiritual Formation
              2.1.3  Pastoral & Apostolic Formation
      2.2  Diaconal Formation (composed by Deacon Ernie Angiolillo) – complete handbook (revision coming soon!)
              2.2.1  Overview
              2.2.2  Dimensions of Formation
              2.2.3  Homiletics Instruction
              2.2.4  Homiletics Curriculum
              2.2.5  Drafts for Instructors
                 Elements of a Syllabus for the Homiletics Practicum
                 Suggested Lesson Plan / Structure

3. Formation Guidelines
      3.1  Policies regarding the Use of Technology
      3.2  Assessment Procedures
             3.2.1  Priestly Formation
             3.2.2  Diaconal Formation

4. Institutional Resources
      4.1  Personnel Profiles
      4.2  Facilities & Technology (awaiting re-location)
      4.3  Learning Resources (updated 2/23/24)
bibliography of books on Catholic preaching     
Special Events
            * 10/28/20 – dialogue on “Preaching Politics from the Pulpit”
                                … related
article in Homiletic & Pastoral Review
      4.5  Media Links
            4.5.1  Podcasts on the 2019 Sunday Gospels of Lent (by Homiletics students)
            4.5.2  Podcasts on the 2020 Sunday Gospels of Lent (by Homiletics students)
            4.5.3  Podcasts on the 2021 Sunday Gospels of Lent (by Homiletics students)
            4.5.4  Podcasts on the 2022 Sunday Gospels of Lent (by Homiletics students)

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