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Students Reported Missing Policy

Students Reported Missing Policy

Section 485 (j) (1) of the Higher Education Act mandates that institutions with on-campus housing must have a policy that allow students residing on campus to voluntarily register confidential contact information in the event that the student is determined to be missing and Immediately refer official missing person reports to the institution’s police or campus security department. If the investigation shows the student has been missing for more than 24 hours, the student’s registered contact must be informed. If the student is under 18 years of age and not an emancipated individual, the educational institution will immediately contact the student’s custodial parent or legal guardian.


Registration is voluntary, but is strongly encouraged. The information provided is confidential and will only be used by Seminary officials and the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction in an emergency situation, including situations in which a student has been reported missing or where disclosure is legally required by a search warrant or subpoena.The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures to be followed if a missing person complaint is made to the Campus Safety Office. Please comply with the following:


Person receiving the complaint will immediately contact a Safety Officer to the location of the complaint.

  • Gather all essential information about the person (description, clothes last worn, where subject might be, who they might be with, vehicle description, etc.) An up to date photograph may also be obtained to aid in the search.
  • The responding officer will also gather information about the physical and mental well being of the individual.
  • Appropriate campus staff will be notified to aid in the search for the individual.
  • A quick, but thorough search will be conducted in all campus buildings and parking lots.
  • Class schedules will be obtained and a search of classrooms will be conducted

If the above actions are unsuccessful in locating the person or it is apparent from the beginning that the person is actually missing, (i.e. call from parents, guardians.), the investigation will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency having jurisdiction. At this time, they become the authority in charge and the Campus Safety Department will assist them in any way necessary. The Rector or his designee will be responsible for communicating with the family or relatives of the missing person and providing information regarding the student reported missing.

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ATTENTION: This is a notification! This is where we can update regarding campus announcements.