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January 2024

January 2024

January 30, 2024 – Take a look at this recent time lapse video of the Student Life Center at the Lower Gwynedd campus – it is really coming along!  The construction of the new campus remains on schedule to start the 2024-2025 academic year on the Lower Gwynedd campus in August.  The Student Life Center pictured here will house the Immaculate Conception Chapel, the Refectory, the Library, along with classrooms and faculty/staff offices.  If you are able, please prayerfully consider making a gift towards Building Our Future: The Comprehensive Campaign for Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary at We hope to raise $40 million dollars to fulfill our vision for the future of the seminary which includes building the new seminary and growing the seminary’s endowment to secure the seminary’s financial future. Please continue to pray for the success of this project and our seminarians, faculty and staff and be assured of our prayers for you.  This video was provided by Bill Rose, CEO Joyful Films/Deo Gratias Films.

January 20, 2024 – For the College Dormitory, plasterboard is continuing to be installed.  For the Student Life Center, plastic enclosures are continuing to be replaced with wooden enclosures to seal the eastern two thirds of the building, the chapel roof structure has been finished, and the fire impression system is in place.

January 13, 2024 – For the College Dormitory, drywall is continuing to be added, the first coat of stucco has begun to be placed, and interior insulation is beginning to be installed.  For the Student Life Center, the metal structure for the curved ceiling is being placed, the majority of the building windows have been installed, and the eastern two-thirds of the building have been sealed with a plastic door/tarp separating the northern section with the auditorium and refectory.

January 6, 2024 – For the College Dormitory, sheetrock is beginning to be installed on the ceiling.  For the Student Life Center, windows are continuing to be installed and the majority of the first layer of the roof has been completed.

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ATTENTION: This is a notification! This is where we can update regarding campus announcements.