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Spiritual Dimension

Spiritual Dimension

With due regard for the various levels of educational and personal needs of our seminarians, the entire college faculty, under the guidance of the Director of Spiritual Formation, dedicates itself to the seminarians’ growth in spiritual maturity.  The Seminary recognizes that each seminarian begins to experience the wonder of meeting God in the mystery of his vocation.  In this light, the Seminary’s spiritual formation program helps the seminarian to hear this call and come to understand it through Scripture, study, reflection, and liturgical and personal prayer.

The specific elements in the College Spiritual Formation Program include:

  • Daily Mass and frequent opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation
  • The Divine Office (Liturgy of the Hours) prayed regularly in common
  • Ongoing individual Spiritual Direction
  • Spiritual Conferences with the Director of Spiritual Formation
  • A program of retreats and days of recollection
  • Participation in the Church’s devotional life:  Eucharistic adoration, the recitation of the Most Holy Rosary, faith sharing, veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints
  • Special penitential and devotional practices during Advent and Lent
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