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Intellectual Dimension

Intellectual Dimension

  • Acquiring familiarity with Christian doctrine through study of the Catechism
  • Grasping basics of priestly identity and spirituality
  • Developing introductory knowledge of the Bible’s significance
  • Initiating intercultural competency and language learning
  • Understanding Second Vatican Council documents and Magisterial teachings
  • Exploring writings of Church Fathers and Doctors
  • Studying lives of Saints, especially American ones
  • Engaging with great schools of spiritual theology and spiritual masters
  • Completing language and acculturation for international seminarians
  • Forming basic study habits and showing intellectual curiosity
  • Addressing educational gaps

These benchmarks collectively reflect the intellectual goals and expectations for seminarians during the Propaedeutic Year. By engaging with Christian doctrine, Scripture, Church history, and other relevant subjects, seminarians lay a foundation of knowledge that will support their future studies and ministry. The emphasis on study habits, intellectual curiosity, and personal growth underscores the importance of continuous learning and development.

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