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Human Dimension

Human Dimension

For those entering as younger adults, it’s important to remember that they are still developing their self-identity. Thus, human formation during this initial stage focuses on growth in selfknowledge, relational skills, and most importantly, their authentic masculine identity found in Christ. The media fast offers a healthy detachment from the use of technology and gives the opportunity to develop other “screenless” hobbies and forms of recreation. They live in a more intimate setting, distinct yet still connected to the rest of the College seminary, which allows the year to become a “school of friendship” for them. A specific 3-credit course in human development is offered that teaches the men many topics, including the basics of healthy self-care, etiquette, friendship, and time management. Conferences and conversations are also facilitated by our in-house professional counselor.

By reflecting on and integrating these various human dimensions into their lives, seminarians lay a strong foundation for their journey towards becoming healthy, joyful, and affectively mature leaders.

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