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Master of Arts in Theology Online Program

Master of Arts in Theology Online Program

St. Charles Borromeo Seminary Master of Arts in Theology Online Program in the School of Theological Studies consists of 36 credit hours in Catholic Theology. This program allows students to add courses semester by semester to complete the Master of Arts in Theology Program. Students can also take an online course as an individual course by completing the single course application.

Our Master of Arts in Theology Program is directed to a vibrant study body that includes lay and religious students who wish to enroll in graduate level courses. We take pride in ensuring that our professors are rigorous and faithful to the Church’s Magisterium, while encouraging open intellectual pursuit of the truth.

Registration is open for the Fall 2024 semester and we are offering “Johannine Literature” and “Theology of Grace & Sacraments” online!

How to register for Johannine Literature and / or Theology of Grace & Sacraments:

Current Students (already enrolled with a Populi account)

  1. Login to Populi.

  2. Go to your “My Profile” tab.

  3. Find the tab “Registration” (If you do not have this tab, email or call 610-785-6287)

  4. You will see the list of the Semester Courses. Click the “Enroll” plus sign for the course(s) in which you wish to enroll for credit. Please note: to audit as a layperson/religious, please select “Audit” plus sign for the course you wish to audit.

  5. Click “Save” to save your registration. 

New Students

  1. Apply to one of our programs to obtain formal acceptance OR

  2. Register to take a single course using the Single Course for-Credit Application Form.

Click here for Tuition Rates and our Student Handbook

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