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Pastoral Dimension

Pastoral Dimension

Theologians in the Seminary Theologate are assigned to an internship for their pastoral formation. For seminarians in First, Second and Third Theology, this internship takes place on Thursdays in a supervised pastoral setting. The majority of the placements are in diverse parishes. 

 In Second Theology, the placement may be in special ministry (e.g., College Newman Center, Catholic high school, hospital). Deacons in Fourth Theology receive a Sunday Internship in a parish. 

The goal of the Pastoral Formation program is to form the seminarians into true shepherds of souls after the example of Jesus Christ [cf. Optatam Totius #4; Pastores Dabo Vobis #57; Program of Priestly Formation #238]. 

Theological reflection on the field education experiences in diverse pastoral assignments is an integral part of the program.

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