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Summer Program

School of Theological Studies (STS) Summer Program

Graduate and Undergraduate

The School of Theological Studies offers a 6-week summer program (mid June through July) that is open to religious students as well as lay students. Students may continue their studies from the fall/spring semesters through the summer or they may enroll in the summer only program. Courses are nonrefundable.

Summer Graduate Program in Theology For Religious and Laity

Integrating theological studies into the daily rhythm of Religious life serves to enhance and broaden the academic experience and spiritual renewal of our Religious students. It also gives full meaning and coherence to one’s vocation and propels the student to deeper love of Christ and the Church.

Our summer program for Religious forms each student both intellectually and spiritually, and includes recreational opportunities and optional outing and pilgrimage events. It is open to religious, consecrated, and priests. Students may take the courses toward a masters degree or audit courses for personal enrichment.

In addition, our campus provides the necessary spiritual environment to allow the Religious to faithfully meet the obligations of their vows and daily prayer life, including the Liturgy of the Hours, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and daily Mass. Our beautiful campus and facilities make the transition from the home community to study at STS seamless.

The Religious who stay on campus are housed on a private residence hall floor where each student has their own room and bath. Meals are provided daily. There is a common room on the floor and many other common areas in the residence hall such as a TV room, a lounge, a kitchen, and a reading room. The Religious communities are welcome to organize their own schedule within the framework of the spiritual program and meals offered by STS.

Why Choose Saint Charles?

Click here to listen to a testimony from
our student Sisters

"Philosophy and the Catholic Mind"- A Catholic Philosophy Program

Please check for our upcoming courses and registration

The School of Theological Studies (1969) at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary (1832) was founded in response to the call of Vatican II to educate Religious Sisters and the Laity to enrich the culture with dedicated Catholic disciples and teachers. We offer graduate studies in Theology and Philosophy taught by many seminary professors. The Sisters live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their daily lives. Seminary Philosophy Professors are developing four, foundational level, online Philosophy classes for the Sisters who serve in critical roles in society, schools, hospitals, children’s homes, child care centers, communities and universities in the midst of the contemporary culture. As icons of God’s light and love, Sisters bring the truth of Jesus Christ.

New! Philosophy and the Catholic Mind Philosophy Modules

Earn a Credential in Catholic Philosophy in 4 Courses (a non-credit/non-degree program)



Basic Concepts in Catholic Philosophy

Gain a basic set of philosophical and theological tools for informed thinking and sound reasoning.



Philosophical and Theological Contributions

Learn Philosophical, anthropological, and the Church’s contributions to affirm the flourishing of the human person.



Gain an appreciation for the principles of the created order and the human being’s place within it.



Gain an appreciation for a life well-lived as beings create in teh image and likeness of God.

Why take Philosophy of the Catholic mind?

Click here to listen to Sr. Mary Faustina, IHM, share her thoughts

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